Art Facilities

Elder Gallery hours

Fri., Sat. and Sun. 1-4 p.m.
Hours are subject to change. 
By appointment, contact dgracie [at] (dgracie[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu).

Follow us on Instagram @nwueldergallery or call (402) 465-2230 for updates.

Contact us

Art Department
Megan Trenkamp, staff assistant
(402) 465-2273
mtrenkam [at] (mtrenkam[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Art Facilities

Lucas Hall

Lucas Hall
Lucas Hall

Art students at Nebraska Wesleyan University receive individualized attention and easy access to well-equipped studio spaces in historic Rachel Ann Lucas Hall.

Art history classes meet in the Lucas multimedia classroom in which digital images, video, DVD, CD-ROM and web-based presentations enhance lecture material.

The Lucas Digital Studio, available solely for students enrolled in fine arts courses, is furnished with 15 Power Macintosh G4 computers, graphics and web-building software, flatbed and transparency scanners, CD-ROM burners, digital cameras, Wacom drawing tablets and access to the campus-wide Transparent LAN Internet Service with a 10Mb line via 10/100 Ethernet connections. High-end portfolio quality color printing is also available.

Kepler Gallery lines Lucas Hall’s main entryway and shows student work throughout the year.


Elder Gallery

Elder Gallery
Elder Gallery

Elder Gallery, located in the Rogers Center for Fine Art, is Nebraska Wesleyan University’s premiere exhibition space for visual art. Hosting several shows each year, the Elder Gallery exhibits the work of students and faculty as well as invitational and juried selections from international artists. It also houses the university’s permanent collection.


LUX Center for the Arts

This exhibition space across the street from campus at 2601 N 48th Street is independent from Nebraska Wesleyan University, but regularly exhibits the work of NWU students and alumni.

LUX Center for the Arts
LUX Center for the Arts
LUX Center for the Arts/interior
LUX Center for the Arts/interior